
Chris’ Corner: Design Shrinking

Chris Coyier |
While I don’t think you should publish to Medium (at least not as the only place you publish something, you should write on your own site that you control), I get why other people do. You quickly sign up, write some words, hit publish, and the result is a pretty clean-looking presentation of your wr... read more

Chris’ Corner: Incremental Adoption

Chris Coyier |
One of the reasons I can’t stop thinking about native Web Components is how you can use them anywhere. “Incremental adoption” is the fancy phrase, I suppose. We’ve even started using them on the new editor for CodePen we’re still hard at work on to solve some interesting issues I’m sure we’ll talk a... read more

Chris’ Corner: Esoteric Stuff in CSS

Chris Coyier |
Listen I ain’t trying to scare you, but this CSS stuff can get complicated. It doesn’t have to be. CSS is just selectors with key value pairs in the end. The vast majority of CSS I write is pretty darn straightforward, especially once you have a general system (what files go where? how do we […]... read more

Chris Corner: Git it

Chris Coyier |
Julia Evans has released what she’s saying is one of her most popular zines to date: How Git Works. I don’t think you’d regret reading it. I imagine most of us get by with knowing just enough Git to do our jobs, but are probably using 5% of what it can really do. Being very […]... read more

Chris’ Corner: Let’s Look at Type!

Chris Coyier |
Dan Mall has my favorite post on picking a typeface. I’m no master typographer, but I know enough that I don’t want to be talked to like an absolute beginner where you teach me what a serif is. Dan gets into more realistic decision making steps, like intentionally not picking something ultra popular... read more

Chris’ Corner: A Variety of Ways to Fail

Chris Coyier |
I’ve done a decent amount of accessibility work in the past few months, largely thanks to a nice fellow who uses JAWS and seems to enjoy our sessions together testing various bits of CodePen, old and new. I use classic tools like the axe and the WebAIM tools to find issues, and still, testing over [... read more

Chris’ Corner: Stand Alones

Chris Coyier |
It continues to be a big year for Web Components. I’m noticing it more this week as it’s effecting some of my friends. My long-time ShopTalk co-host Dave Rupert just got a job at Microsoft working on Fluent UI Web Components. Probably didn’t hurt that he wrote the book on them. I’m stoked that big, ... read more

Chris Corner: Platforms and Tools

Chris Coyier |
Late last year Google made this showcase microsite The Web Can Do What!?. It’s nicely done! I like how it talks about various somewhat-recently unlocked use cases, while itself being a showcase for other rather impressive things you can do on a website (cool usage of sticky sections, view transition... read more

Chris Corner: Unusual Ideas with Great Results

Chris Coyier |
SVG Short Circuiting SVG is normally a pretty efficient file format. If an image is vector in nature, leaving it as vector is normally a good plan as it will like scale well and look pretty darn crips. But of course, It Depends. Super complex vector graphics can get huge, and a raster (i.e. JPG, […]... read more

Chris’ Corner: Design the Job

Chris Coyier |
Y’all use Figma for design work? I’d be willing to bet a lot of you do at your organization. I’m still wrapping my brain around the fact that Adobe has to write a billion dollar check to not acquire it. It’s no wonder why they wanted it — there is a new household name in […]... read more