Single Table Design in AWS DynamoDB

manojlingala |
As a developer working with AWS DynamoDB, I recently learnt and implemented Single Table Design in my projects. Single Table Design is a powerful and efficient approach to data modeling that has transformed the way I structure and query data in DynamoDB. In this article, I want to share my learni... read more

Write a test function while learning javascript

Leonardo Schmitt |
Objects everywhere Well, you've probably heard before about objects in JavaScript and how they are important in order to understand the language. Objects make JS extremely readable and useful because of its model "key":"value". But the thing I want to stand out is that the "value" se... read more

Construcción de Servicios Web con IA: De la Idea al Código

alfieri morillo |
Saludos, terrícolas. ¿Te has sentido abrumado por la complejidad de construir servicios web? ¿Te gustaría simplificar este proceso utilizando inteligencia artificial? Hoy aprenderás cómo utilizar IA para crear e implementar servicios web de manera rápida y eficiente, todo a partir de un único avi... read more

X Uses Community Notes on Election Posts, but Misinformation Spreads

Haseebullah |
Social Media's Perilous Playground: Community Notes Misinformation Threatens Election Integrity As the 2023 elections draw near, social media platforms have become more vigilant in their fight against misinformation. However, a recent trend has emerged that is cause for grave concern: the misuse o... read more

How to Install NumPy in PyCharm on a Mac

Tesseract Coding |
NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computing in Python. Installing it in PyCharm on a Mac is simple and straightforward. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Step 1: Open PyCharm First, open PyCharm on your Mac. If you don't have PyCharm installed, download ... read more

What is Open Source and How Does It Work?

Tesseract Coding |
Open source refers to software that anyone can see, use, and change. The source code is available for free. This means anyone can study it, make improvements, and share it with others. How Does Open Source Work? Open source works through collaboration. Developers from around the world c... read more

Midjourney for Architecture: Is This The Future?

Devops Den |
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making big changes in architecture, and Midjourney is leading the charge. It's a text-to-image AI tool for architects. It's a supe­r way to come up with fresh ideas, fine­-tune existing ones, and create eye-catching visuals. Because of AI, archite­cts can explore man... read more

Api Rest .Net completa com JwtToken e integração com api ViaCep utilizando padrão de arquitetura clean architecture

Hernani Almeida |
Ferramentas necessárias: Sdk .net Docker Visual Studio Community Para iniciar e necessário fazer o download e instalar o Sdk do .net e a ide Visual Studio Community, links logo acima. Dentro do terminal digite o comando dotnet --version e devera retornar a versão instalada do sdk que você tem in... read more

C# Methods

Manzura07 |
Hello, today I would like to tell you some necessary methods for programming. First let's start with the method replace() Let's look at the code for this method. var longString = "this ball is too big"; System.Console.WriteLine(longString.Replace("is", "IS")); The replace() method is cal... read more

Api Rest .Net completa com JwtToken integração com api ViaCep utilizando padrão de arquitetura clean architecture - parte 2

Hernani Almeida |
Ferramentas necessárias: Sdk .net Docker Visual Studio Community Ter completado o crud da api mostrado no artigo anterior Seguimos com a construção da nossa api, neste artigo vamos estruturar nossa api para salvar um usuário integrando com a api ViaCep para buscar os dados de endereço desse usuá... read more