
How to Develop a CRUD App with Spring Boot, Neon Postgres, and Azure App Service

Abhinav Pandey |
In this article, we'll explore how to develop a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Spring Boot and Neon Postgres []. We'll also deploy the application on Azure App Service [] and make it production-ready by se... read more

How to get a FAANG Dev Job in your 40s with Coding Interview University creator John Washam [#134]

Quincy Larson |
On this week's episode of the podcast, I interview John Washam, a software engineer at Amazon. John's also creator of one of the most popular open source projects of all time, Coding Interview University. This is John's first-ever podcast interview, ...... read more

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as a Developer

Marco Venturi |
Impostor syndrome is a pervasive feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that makes you believe you are a fraud despite your achievements and skills. For new developers – and sometimes even seasoned professionals – this phenomenon can be particularly challenging as you navigate a fast-paced and ever-e... read more

What are Creational Design Patterns in Java? Explained With Examples

Anjan Baradwaj |
Design Patterns provide you with an idea or a strategy for solving commonly occurring problems. They are proven solutions that follow the best practices and help you make your code flexible, reusable, and maintainable. The design patterns are classified into three categories based on their purpose: ... read more

How Do Generative Models Work in Deep Learning? Generative Models For Data Augmentation Explained

Oyedele Tioluwani Taiwo |
Data is at the heart of model training in the world of deep learning. The quantity and quality of training data determine the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms. On the other hand, obtaining massive amounts of precisely categorized data is a difficult and resource-intensive operation. Thi... read more

How Does Recursion Work? Explained with Code Examples

Palistha |
In this article, you will learn about recursion and how it works. You need a good understanding of how functions work before learning recursion. I have used Python code for examples in this article because of its simple syntax, but the concept of recursion is the same for every programming... read more

Learn System Design Principles and Prepare for an Job Interview

Beau Carnes |
Mastering system design is important for anyone who wants to build scalable and reliable applications. System design includes a range of topics from basic computer architecture to complex networking concepts, each playing an important role in creatin...... read more

Build a Sticky Notes App with React and Appwrite

Beau Carnes |
Are you ready to dive into an exciting project that combines the latest in frontend and backend technologies? Imagine having a personalized notes application with dynamic features like draggable notes, autosave, and customizable colors. Not only will...... read more

How to Build an Interpretable Artificial Intelligence Model – Simple Python Code Example

Tiago Monteiro |
Artificial Intelligence is being used everywhere these days. And many of the groundbreaking applications come from Machine Learning, a subfield of AI. Within Machine Learning, a field called Deep Learning represents one of the main areas of research. It is from Deep Learning that most new, truly eff... read more

What is Primitive Obsession?

Daniel Asaboro |